Traditions Of Great Britain Презентация
Учащиеся сравнят, есть ли такие праздники у русских, как отличаются традиции их празднования, а в конце занятия ответят на главный вопрос урока. Скачать презентацию: Traditions and holidays of Great Britain. Тема презентации : Traditions of England Урок: Английский язык Наличие плана - конспект урока: Нет Traditions and holidays of Great Britain.
Презентация к уроку английского языка . The best dog gets the title Crufts Supreme Champion. Описание слайда: Saint Valentine’s Day February 1. Was started in the time of Roman Empire.
People send a card to someone they love, like, fancy or admire. Описание слайда: The Boat Race In March A rowing race between the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. On the river Thames in London (7,2 km). Описание слайда: In March In March The last day before Lent. Competitors have to throw it in the air and catch it again in the pan. Описание слайда: In April. People give each other chocolate eggs that are wrapped in silver paper.
Описание слайда: One of the biggest marathons in the world. Raise money for charity. Описание слайда: May 1 May 1 A pagan festival to celebrate the end of winter and welcome summer. Children dance around the maypole and sing songs.
Описание слайда: In May In May Britain’s most important flower and garden show. Thousands of people come to see the prize flowers and specially built gardens.
Описание слайда: June 2. June 2. 4 Summer solstice. When the fires die down, men run or jump through it to bring good luck. Описание слайда: The second Saturday in June.
Lots of marching, military music and the soldiers are dressed in colourful uniforms. Описание слайда: July 1. July 1. 5 Saint Swithin was England’s Bishop of Winchester. Описание слайда: The last week of July and the first week of June. One of the four great world tennis championships and the only one which is played on grass. Описание слайда: The last weekend in August.
Аннотация к презентации. Презентация для школьников на тему 'Traditions of Great Britain' по иностранным языкам. Презентация на тему: " Britain: Traditions, Customs and Holidays The English 12 On the 31st of October in Great Britain there is a nice holiday for children. Презентация на тему Traditions and holidays of Great Britain. Скачать эту презентацию.
Steel bands play African and Caribbean music. Описание слайда: October 3. October 3. 1 A pagan festival celebrates the return of the souls that visit their former houses. Houses are decorated with pumpkins.
Описание слайда: November 5 November 5 He was a terrorist. People make models of him and burn them on big bonfires. Описание слайда: December 2. December 2. 5 Religious ceremony commemorating the birth of Christ. Traditional Christmas tree and dinner. Описание слайда: December 2. December 2. 6 It is usually spent in front of the TV, recovering from Christmas Day.
Servants go from house to house with collecting boxes. Описание слайда: December 3.
December 3. 1 Traditionally Scottish celebration. Team Fortress 2 Hud Install тут.